Things that crawl in my head

There are things that occasionally come and live in my mind¸
sometimes they stay for a while, sometimes forever, sometimes they leave. I'll just write them here.

バイバイ日本!!!(Bye-Bye Japan!!!)

It is time to accept Japan is no longer the cyberpunk reference it once was.

In this day and age, Japan is not only an aging civilization, but also a dying economy. Not only is the technological sector of japan meerely the shadow of what it once was, its very culture is now fading away slowly.

Anime, Dramas, Jpop have already all been replaced by Korean entertainment industry, K-drama and K-pop. The cultural influence of the east has shifted to Korea.

Not only that, but the economic boom which propulsed japan on top of the high-tech, cyberpunk culture of the 80-90s has dried out a long time ago, replaced by the constant economic and technical growth of China. As of today in 2025, the most advanced algorithms and applications, such as Tiktok or their new AI Deepseek, surpass anything the west could propose. What i’m trying to say is that Japan is economically, demographically, and also now culturally dying.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Japan. I love its vibe, its culture, its aesthetic and the art that comes out of it. It is probably my favourite country in the world. But times are changing, and for cyberpunk to remain relevant, it also has to evolve. Back in the 80-90s, during the cyberpunk golden era, cyberpunk medias blasted their imagery with japanese influences, because they were the leaders of the techno-cultural changes occuring in the world. You could not imagine a technological world, without imagining Japan. Now though, this time has come to an end, and this role is fulfilled by China.

Think of the majestic cyberpunk city of 重庆 Chongqing, of the technological advancements of China and how their society incorporates these changes seemlesly into people’s daily live. The future is indeed cyberpunk, but that future is no longer a neon-lit tokyo street by midnight, it is a skyscrapper view of 重庆, overwatched by a led-lit drone show. For cyberpunk to not die, it has to evolve and adapt to its new environment. If we want cyberpunk to survive and not to become a retro-futuristic genre, such as vaporwave, we need to keep it actual. Let the retro go, with all the due respect. Leave it to the previous generation of cyberpunk, and let the fifth wave begin.

To reflect this value, I added this blog’s title translation in chinese, as well as the katakana in Japanese. I am not preaching, nor willing, to ditch the roots of cyberpunk. I still do truly believe that the influence Japan had on this movement and genre makes its culture the spiritual backbone of anything truly cyberpunk, and I want to represent that as well.

Japan as the soul of cyberpunk, and China as its armor, pieces of metal forming its day-to-day body which we can see.

Cyberpunks are not geeks

(Not inherently)

Cyberpunk media litteracy is not necessary to be into, or to be cyberpunk.
Cyberpunk is not only a genre.

The cyberpunk genre, be it litterary, musical or mediatic, is in itself nothing but the expression of the cyberpunk movement that's been present in the world.
In that sense, I, too, am an expression of this movement. I am, in part, the result of cyberpunk's existence.

It doesn't matter if you've read Gibson, or seen Lain or any of the classics. Cyberpunk existed before these were made. Actually, they were made because cyberpunk exists.

And so are you, so are we, the result of cyberpunk. Not the result of the cyberpunk genre.

We exist apart from the media that describes us, apart from the art, apart from the books.

To be Here Now

A friend recommended me a great book a few years ago. I haven't finished reading it yet. I eat it bit by bit, when the times are difficult.
This book is The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. It's about being free and happy, from any sort of pain, addiction, burden. The secret is all in the title, but it sounds too easy like this. Well, the idea is as easy as the title. Anyways, I just thought i'd leave it here, along with some reflexions I've had.

The mindfulness symbol, representing the flow of consciousness illustrated as a drop of water going from the past into the present where it causes ripples and then continuing into the future.

Feelings go, habits come back. We are defined by our actions, and our actions by our habits. To become who we want to be, we must change our habits and let feelings be just feelings.

Thinking rationally and analysing complex subjects such as spirituality, habits, neural pathways and neuroplasticity have become a habit to you after what you consider a relapse or a failure. This is what kept you going this far, and you would not dare to think that it is a bad thing to have kept going. Now, you should not leave this be a habit that occurs after failure, because you would become dependant on failure to grow. Do you see the irony? Do not wait on failure to initiate growth, as you are always free to grow. Make it a habit to grow after a success, instead. Then, you will only keep growing like a flower that never ends to blossom. This is a kalpravishka. The tree that grants wishes is rooted in success, not failure.

You must practice peace to gain more peace

The loneliness epidemic sounds like a joke

"Have you ever felt miserable and went to a porn site to change your mind and the first ad begins with Are you alone ?"

Being trans as darwinism

Being a man is no longer useful in our society; testosterone seeks your death. It protects us from danger and makes us more of a "survivor," from tougher skin to muted emotions. Everything it does is aimed at improving our survival. Testosterone assumes you will risk your life and adapts your body to that reality. Because of this, in our risk-free world, men find themselves ill-suited and, in a way, seeking the death they seem built to face. Life is less enjoyable, emotions are dulled, and they find meaning in their existence only by confronting danger and death. Thus, testosterone drives males toward death.

being transgender is thus a very intelligent move from a male organism i could bet that transgenderism is a trait of many intelligent people who adapt to their environment it is, after all, adaptation